Index of /InvoiceShelf/vendor/spatie/laravel-signal-aware-command

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# Handle signals in Artisan commands

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Using this package you can easily handle signals like `SIGINT`,  `SIGTERM` in your Laravel app.

Here's a quick example where the `SIGINT` signal is handled.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\SignalAwareCommand;

class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand
    protected $signature = 'your-command';

    public function handle()
        $this->info('Command started...');


    public function onSigint()
        // will be executed when you stop the command
        $this->info('You stopped the command!');

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## Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-signal-aware-command

## Usage

In order to make an Artisan command signal aware you need to let it extend `SignalAwareCommand`.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\SignalAwareCommand;

class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand
    // your code

### Handling signals

There are three ways to handle signals:
- on the command itself
- via the `Signal` facade
- using the `SignalReceived` event

#### On the command

To handle signals on the command itself, you need to let your command extend `SignalAwareCommand`. Next, define a method that starts with `on` followed by the name of the signal. Here's an example where the `SIGINT` signal is handled.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\SignalAwareCommand;

class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand
    protected $signature = 'your-command';

    public function handle()
        $this->info('Command started...');


    public function onSigint()
        // will be executed when you stop the command
        $this->info('You stopped the command!');

#### Via the `Signal` facade

Using the `Signal` facade you can register signal handling code anywhere in your app.

First, you need to define the signals you want to handle in your command in the `handlesSignals` property.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\SignalAwareCommand;

class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand
    protected $signature = 'your-command';
    protected $handlesSignals = [SIGINT];

    public function handle()
        (new SomeOtherClass())->performSomeWork();


In any class you'd like you can use the `Signal` facade to register code that should be executed when a signal is received.

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\Facades\Signal;

class SomeOtherClass
    public function performSomeWork()
        Signal::handle(SIGINT, function(Command $commandThatReceivedSignal) {
            $commandThatReceivedSignal->info('Received the SIGINT signal!');

You can call `clearHandlers` if you want to remove a handler that was previously registered.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\Facades\Signal;

public function performSomeWork()
    Signal::handle(SIGNINT, function() {
        // perform cleanup
    // at this point doSomeWork was executed without any problems
    // running a cleanup isn't necessary anymore

To clear all handlers for all signals use `Signal::clearHandlers()`.

#### Using the `SignalReceived` event

Whenever a signal is received, the `Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\Events\SignalReceived` event is fired.

To register which events you want to receive you must define a `handlesSignals` property on your command. Here's an example where we register listening for the `SIGINT` signal.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\SignalAwareCommand

class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand
    protected $signature = 'your-command';
    protected $handlesSignals = [SIGINT];

    public function handle()
        (new SomeOtherClass())->performSomeWork();


In any class you'd like you can listen for the `SignalReceived` event.

use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\Events\SignalReceived;
use Spatie\SignalAwareCommand\Signals;

class SomeOtherClass
    public function performSomeWork()
        Event::listen(function(SignalReceived $event) {
            $signalNumber = $event->signal;
            $signalName = Signals::getSignalName($signalNumber);
            $event->command->info("Received the {$signalName} signal");

## Learn how this package was built

The foundations of this pacakge were coded up in [this live stream on YouTube](

## Testing

composer test

## Changelog

Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Security Vulnerabilities

Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities.

## Credits

- [Freek Van der Herten](
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.